Tinkerer Code of Conduct

A Word about the CoC Purpose

As mentioned in 2023, we’ve created a CoC to draw more folks in, not to keep folks out. For some folks, the existence of a CoC is table stakes to speaking or attending. No CoC, no participation.

We all come from different cultures and backgrounds, and the vast majority of our interactions are online. The social norm of hugging is a great example here. The preferences within our group range from full-body contact bear hugs to no contact at all, please. A CoC reminds us that meeting in person requires a little extra thought and care when it comes to how others prefer to be treated.

Code of Conduct

Our “Code of Conduct” is a reflection of the Tinker values of “Trust” (Empathetic, Friendship, Integrity, Meaningful) and “Tribe” (Gratitude, Diversity, Supportive).

As a Tinkerer, one should aspire to:

  1. Generally respect one another;

  2. Champion Inclusion;

  3. Be honest with one another;

  4. Respect the confidentiality of information gained through the membership;

  5. Act fairly;

  6. Foster an ethical culture; and

  7. Take responsibility for one’s conduct.

Tinkerers find the following behavior unacceptable:

  • Hate speech,

  • Intimidation or threats,

  • Sexual harassment,

  • Sharing the details of private conversations or events in a public forum or with non-members,

  • Sharing Tinkerer membership details for the purposes of sales or marketing,

  • Unwanted physical contact (of any sort).

We have NO TOLERANCE for physical/verbal/sexual harassment of any person. Any person found to be harassing another person will be required to leave the event.

Asking questions of a speaker during their talk, to get clarity or debate a point is appropriate – heckling or haranguing the speaker is not appropriate. If you are concerned that something you say may fall under the umbrella of harassment, then please do not speak those words aloud. We believe that we all have a voice in the Tinkerer membership and it carries weight. So, if someone asks you to stop your behavior – stop. Likewise, if you see something that could be harassment, please discuss this with the team below.

If you are having an issue with an event participant, please find any OG Tinkerer, or members of the Admin Committee, Allan Alford, Gerald Beuchelt, Adrian Sanabria, Xtina, Will Lin depending on your level of comfort, and that person will assist you in resolving the issue.

Last Updated: 3/15/2024